
More about us.


The Jaguar Club of Cincinnati was started in 2003 and has enjoyed having great company revolving around the passion for the Jaguar marque. We were started by a group of owners who wanted to be able to leverage the national group, Jaguar Clubs of North America, for connections to Jaguar owners nationwide.


Annual membership covers the primary member and spouse/significant other. Benefits include invitation to all local club events, eligibility to attend other clubs’ JCNA-sanctioned events and JCNA-level events, and all JCNA benefits (e.g., Jaguar Journal magazine, tool loans, online information and forums, book discounts, and more…see www.jcna.com).


Executive Board

Vice President

Joe VanDeHatert


Rich Frantz

Concours Chair

Rich Frantz


Marc Franxman


Gene Young

Chief Judge

Steve Locker